Department of ENT at Chandra Laxmi Hospital provides comprehensive diagnostic & therapeutic services in the field of ENT related disorders. We have 24 hours round the clock ENT Emergency services available.Facilities at Chandra Laxmi include
- Otology surgeries for deafness, discharging ear, facial palsy, cochlear implant
- Nasal septoplasty, septorhinoplasty, functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) for infection, polyps & tumors
- Oropharyngeal tonsillectomy, surgical procedures for snoring and sleep disorders
- Microlaryngeal Surgery
- Treatment for voice disorders
- Laryngoscopes for pain free noninvasive outpatient examination
- Sophisticated microscope for diagnosis of various disorders of the ear and OPD procedures
- Special hygrotherm unit [with thermoregulatory and antibacterial systems] for non-traumatic nasal and ear irrigation
- Head & Neck Surgeries
- Hearing Assessment
- Speech Audiometry & Therapy
- Allergy Tests
- Impedance Audiometry